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Welcome here you will lern the history of Middle Earth

Welcome this Webpage is dedicated to the History,Poems,character and races of middle earth with some great Lord of the Rings Humor!!!!!!!!

Words that sound like they're from LOTR:

Habbit (hobbit),
Spam (Sam),
Legoland (Legolas),
Leg less (Legolas),
(Catherine of) Aragon,
Aragog (Spider in Harry Potter),
Framer (Faramir),
Mellon (Gollum),
Gimlet (Gimli),
Billboard (Bilbo),
Beach ball (Bilbo)
Grandad (must stop calling Gandalf 'Grandalf'),
Armband (Arwen),
Marry (Merry),
Holder (Haldir)
Stapler (ok, I just like that word),
Pulpit (Pippin),
Bankbook (Balrog),
Elvis (Elvish),
Glorfindel (I'm sorry, but that just sounds like a floor cleaner! "I use new Glorfindel, and my floor's so shiny I'm always falling over!"),
Glad (Gil-galad),
Big boy (Billy Boyd) - it does sound like that!!
100% Cotton - (Rose Cotton)
Hobbies (hobbits)
Hobby (Hobbit)
Pippa (Pippin)
Flow (Fellow(ship))
Out-law (Lord... of the Rings)
Friday (Frodo)
Monday (Mordor)
As Arwen pronounces it:
A seal door (Isildur)

Engelbert Humperdink...
Ok, ok, that has to be the weirdest name ever!


You do quizzes like that

You write lists like this

You've seen the film more than twice

You can quote the book and film at will (sorry Will!)

You're friends call you obsessed

You don't mind!

You want the One Ring for your birthday (my birthday present....)

You wear a ring and pretend to be invisible (well, I did that anyway)

You start hissing over posessionssssss

You can't go shopping now - can't stop shouting "Mushrooms!" and 'Po-ta-toes' in the middle of Tescos!

You know the names/birthdays/addresses of the cast (if the last one - email me!)

You answer yes to any of these statements!

You want a pony so you can call it Bill

You want 9 kids so you can name them after the Fellowship

You want 13 kids so you can name them after Sam's kids

You're thinking about chopping off your legs so you'll be under 4ft tall

You call enemies slinker/stinker

You watched "Babe" just to hear Hugo 'Elrond' Weaving

You know Elvish

Any at all

Even "Pedo Mellon a minno"

You have "Pedo Mellon a minno" written on your door

You keep adding "if you follow me" to the end of sentences

You can't help saying "They have a cave troll" when you shut a door

You know how many days it is until the next film

You've marked the DVD/Video release on your calendar (2 and 4-Disc!)

At drama, when asked to 'die flamboyantly', you re-enacted Boromir's death scene (I did that!!)

You want to change your name to a LOTR name

You shoot people on the street with three arrows, then time their death, and compare it in emotion to Boromir's

You go to fortune tellers just to tell them "I know what it is you see, for it is also in my mind"

You start drilling behind the sofa to try and find orcs in the ground

When you want to kiss someone, you shoot them with three arrows to make you less shy about it

You say "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" at inappropriate times

(back to mine)

You watched "North" to see Elijah Wood aged 12

You noticed he looked EXACTLY THE SAME AS HE DOES NOW!!!!!!!!!!

You know the road goes ever on and on...

Pubs now don't let you in - you can't help saying "It comes in pints?!"

You're sure there are Nazgûl chasing you

You call your cousin your Uncle and tell everyone he found a dragon

You say "Po-ta-toes" a lot

People don't even have to ask "What are you thinking about?"

You pretend to smoke a pipe

All people should be hobbits

You know there is an un-sleeping EYE watching you

You have 3 or more posters of LOTR

You have saved pictures on your computer

You have printed out pictures

You have printed out the script

You have re-enacted the film, using the script, with the CD on

Using sock-puppets

You spend hours making LOTR sock puppets

(Whill and I can't agree on who thought of the next two, so I have to put both our names to them)

Every time you see birds on the ground you shout "Fly, you fools!!"

Every time you see birds in the sky you shout "Crebain from Dunland! Hide!" and run for cover

You know what Samwise's real name is

You stayed up until 6am (GMT) watching The 2002 Oscars and threw things at the screen when Ron Howard/Russell Crowe/Jennifer Connelly appeared

You got really annoyed that Orlando Bloom, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan weren't there.

You start saying "A star shines upon the hour of our meeting" when you meet people

To be really clever, you say it in Elvish - "Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo"

You have written any sort of Fanfic

Although slash is, well, you know, you don't like people writing about Tolkien's characters in *that* way

Sam just wouldn't do that sort of thing!

You have a moral stance against RPS (Real Person Slash)

When you go to other Sam fansites and see pictures of Sean Astin in the film 'Rudy', you shout "Go Rudy!!" - even though you haven't actually seen the film...

You say "Oh thank Gandalf" instead of "Oh thank God"

You have made up a hobbit version of the Macbeth dagger bit with your ex (Ok, I only helped a bit)

"Is this a hobbit I see before me?
The innocent face towards my crotch?
Come, let me fondle thee!
I hold thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art though not, fatal gardener
sensible to feeling as to sight?
Or art though but a hobbit of the mind,
a false creation?
Proceding from the Samwise obsessed brain?"

You've ever said "Oh for hobbit's sake!"

You keep thinking of ways you could meet LOTR characters

You have imaginary conversations with LOTR characters/actors

You have visited Czechoslovakian LOTR websites

You've written out your favourite LOTR poems/songs in your diary, and are determined to learn them all

You have a vecro-letters t-shirt and it always says things like "I've blown the Horn of Gondor", "Obsessed, moria?" (I thought of that!), and "Shire, Baggins!", etc.

You've ever said "Where the hobbits is that?" (Whill)

You don't fancy without big hairy feet/long blond hair and great skill in archery/them being heir to some sort of throne or seat of power/a long beard, prefferably plaited

You have named items in your room after a LOTR actor (or two)

Whenever the phone rings, you pick it up and instantly yell "Is it secret?!?! Is it safe!?!!?" (Whill)

You keep saying 'Frodo' instead of 'Friday' (Whill, but I do it too...)

You consider things such as - do hobbits wear pants or boxers?

Or maybe none.


You wonder who'd be best at kissing... (I reckon Pippin)

You start saying "I reckon" accidently

You watched "The Goonies" just to see Sean Astin,
and counted the number of times he said "One-Eyed Willy".

You have considered things like:
Would hobbits go on skiing holidays?
Would Pippin watch Big Brother?
Would Frodo vote Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Green... maybe Monster Raving Loony Party?
Why would Aragorn be carrying around four knives?
Why is Pippin wearing a scarf?
Why aren't the others?
Why is he Scottish?
(My god that accent is so sexy!)
Has anyone told Elrond he'd look better in sunglasses?
Has anyone told Legolas he'd look better with nothing on? ('cept all the OBsessed fangirls...)
Would any of them play Twister?
(gets distracted by idea of Fellowship playing Twister... mmm.)
Who would win at Scrabble? (Whill)

You can't see/say fool or took without saying

When you say 'Confound it...' (Whill)

You have trouble thinking about other things

But... where's the hobbits in that?

When playing a game where you have to get another person to answer using a certain letter, people ask you LOTR questions, and you do the same, ie:
I had F, so I couldn't say that letter in my answer.
They asked "Who has Sam as a best friend?
Umm... The Ringbearer!
Oh, I could've said Bill the Pony...

You ask Whill: (he had "B") Who does Sean Bean play in The Fellowship of the Ring?"
(Note: I did not say 'play with', so he couldn't have said Pippin)
The Heir to the Regency of Gondor.


When out shopping with Whill, you saw the poster of The Scorpion King, and laughed because it said:
Legend, Warrior, King.
And that's like Mission.... quest.... thing.

You wanna go live in Sheffield/Canterbury/Glasgow/Denmark/LA/wherever Dom's from just to be even slightly near some LOTR people

You've started talking in a Glasgow accent... and you live approx 300 miles away from Scotland

You take free "Pre-order LOTR here!" leaflets just for the pictures

When you get the video/2 disc DVD, you want to go and collect it dressed as Gandalf

You want to watch films that you know will be a waste of 2 hours of you life, just because a LOTR actor is in them

When people claim you "have a new obsession" (like Colin Farrell for instance) you can instantly name 15 reasons why that isn't so, and get very indignant about it

You sing "I fell in love with a beautiful Ranger..."

You find it hard to remember that it's important not to shout out things like "GET OFF THE ROAD!!!" when you're on a public bus.

You dream about people from LOTR, or (lucky!) being in LOTR


You join in when people speak in the dark tongue of Mordor (Laurie from the Mercury theatre course!)

You have noticed that Gandalf is singing The Road goes ever on and on...

You start saying "Havo dad, (name here)" to people, instead of "sit down"

You recite LOTR songs and verses with Iggy from drama. Or, y'know, just anyone. Ahem.

When you watched it the first time on video, you cried 23 times. Yes, 23.

CAUTION: May be hobbit-forming

August 6th has arrived!!

NOTE: All the ideas on this page ('cept where marked or blatently obvious, like the fact I didn't invent the question mark. See DISCLAIMER) are mine - if I find them on other sites I shall be forced to call you a sneak. Sneaking off and sneaking back like a sneaky sneak from the land of the sneaks.

Here is a random collection of photos, an obsession list and general ramblings about Tolkien's masterpiece
and, of course, Peter Jackson's interpretation.

Filmographies of the Actors
You know you're obsessed when you read this obsession list...
Words That Sound Like They're From LOTR

Hey - you know there are theories about the relative sizes of feet and .... other parts of the male anatomy?
Well - does that apply to hobbits?
*grin grin*

I have:


9 posters (Argonath, Hobbits at Weathertop, blue with actors at top and sillouette (sp?) of Fellowship at bottom,
white background with the actors on - why is Gandalf biggest?, map in middle - general Middle-earth creatures round edges x 2, Gandalf fighting the Balrog x 2)

approx 35 pics of LOTR scenes and actors on my wall

3 film books - Official Movie Guide, Children's Photo Guide and The Art of The Fellowship of The Ring

6 Tolkien books - Parts 1, 2 & 3 of The Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales

2 Middle-earth books - A Hobbit's Journal, illustrations by Sam Gamgee, with space for notes; and another one just like that.

The script printed out

The LOTR:FOTR Soundtrack

4 LOTR postcards from Whill

3 more I saw in Waterstone's and just had to buy

A picture of the baldalijewelry.com Gollum ring with gold writing and a chain on my wall, and my birthday wish list
(tried, unsucessfully, to explain the irony of it being my birthday present to my Mum)

Hobbits on the brain

4 wall panels from VShop that won't actually fit on my wall, being that they are fecking HUGE!!

You think you know about LOTR?
Do ya, punk?
Well - Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!

Words that sound like they're from LOTR:

Habbit (hobbit),
Spam (Sam),
Legoland (Legolas),
Leg less (Legolas),
(Catherine of) Aragon,
Aragog (Spider in Harry Potter),
Framer (Faramir),
Mellon (Gollum),
Gimlet (Gimli),
Billboard (Bilbo),
Beach ball (Bilbo)
Grandad (must stop calling Gandalf 'Grandalf'),
Armband (Arwen),
Marry (Merry),
Holder (Haldir)
Stapler (ok, I just like that word),
Pulpit (Pippin),
Bankbook (Balrog),
Elvis (Elvish),
Glorfindel (I'm sorry, but that just sounds like a floor cleaner! "I use new Glorfindel, and my floor's so shiny I'm always falling over!"),
Glad (Gil-galad),
Big boy (Billy Boyd) - it does sound like that!!
100% Cotton - (Rose Cotton)
Hobbies (hobbits)
Hobby (Hobbit)
Pippa (Pippin)
Flow (Fellow(ship))
Out-law (Lord... of the Rings)
Friday (Frodo)
Monday (Mordor)
As Arwen pronounces it:
A seal door (Isildur)

Engelbert Humperdink...
Ok, ok, that has to be the weirdest name ever!

How obsessed are you?


You do quizzes like that

You write lists like this

You've seen the film more than twice

You can quote the book and film at will (sorry Will!)

You're friends call you obsessed

You don't mind!

You want the One Ring for your birthday (my birthday present....)

You wear a ring and pretend to be invisible (well, I did that anyway)

You start hissing over posessionssssss

You can't go shopping now - can't stop shouting "Mushrooms!" and 'Po-ta-toes' in the middle of Tescos!

You know the names/birthdays/addresses of the cast (if the last one - email me!)

You answer yes to any of these statements!

You want a pony so you can call it Bill

You want 9 kids so you can name them after the Fellowship

You want 13 kids so you can name them after Sam's kids

You're thinking about chopping off your legs so you'll be under 4ft tall

You call enemies slinker/stinker

You watched "Babe" just to hear Hugo 'Elrond' Weaving

You know Elvish

Any at all

Even "Pedo Mellon a minno"

You have "Pedo Mellon a minno" written on your door

You keep adding "if you follow me" to the end of sentences

You can't help saying "They have a cave troll" when you shut a door

You know how many days it is until the next film

You've marked the DVD/Video release on your calendar (2 and 4-Disc!)

At drama, when asked to 'die flamboyantly', you re-enacted Boromir's death scene (I did that!!)

You want to change your name to a LOTR name

You shoot people on the street with three arrows, then time their death, and compare it in emotion to Boromir's

You go to fortune tellers just to tell them "I know what it is you see, for it is also in my mind"

You start drilling behind the sofa to try and find orcs in the ground

When you want to kiss someone, you shoot them with three arrows to make you less shy about it

You say "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" at inappropriate times

(back to mine)

You watched "North" to see Elijah Wood aged 12

You noticed he looked EXACTLY THE SAME AS HE DOES NOW!!!!!!!!!!

You know the road goes ever on and on...

Pubs now don't let you in - you can't help saying "It comes in pints?!"

You're sure there are Nazgûl chasing you

You call your cousin your Uncle and tell everyone he found a dragon

You say "Po-ta-toes" a lot

People don't even have to ask "What are you thinking about?"

You pretend to smoke a pipe

All people should be hobbits

You know there is an un-sleeping EYE watching you

You have 3 or more posters of LOTR

You have saved pictures on your computer

You have printed out pictures

You have printed out the script

You have re-enacted the film, using the script, with the CD on

Using sock-puppets

You spend hours making LOTR sock puppets

(Whill and I can't agree on who thought of the next two, so I have to put both our names to them)

Every time you see birds on the ground you shout "Fly, you fools!!"

Every time you see birds in the sky you shout "Crebain from Dunland! Hide!" and run for cover

You know what Samwise's real name is

You stayed up until 6am (GMT) watching The 2002 Oscars and threw things at the screen when Ron Howard/Russell Crowe/Jennifer Connelly appeared

You got really annoyed that Orlando Bloom, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan weren't there.

You start saying "A star shines upon the hour of our meeting" when you meet people

To be really clever, you say it in Elvish - "Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo"

You have written any sort of Fanfic

Although slash is, well, you know, you don't like people writing about Tolkien's characters in *that* way

Sam just wouldn't do that sort of thing!

You have a moral stance against RPS (Real Person Slash)

When you go to other Sam fansites and see pictures of Sean Astin in the film 'Rudy', you shout "Go Rudy!!" - even though you haven't actually seen the film...

You say "Oh thank Gandalf" instead of "Oh thank God"

You have made up a hobbit version of the Macbeth dagger bit with your ex (Ok, I only helped a bit)

"Is this a hobbit I see before me?
The innocent face towards my crotch?
Come, let me fondle thee!
I hold thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art though not, fatal gardener
sensible to feeling as to sight?
Or art though but a hobbit of the mind,
a false creation?
Proceding from the Samwise obsessed brain?"

You've ever said "Oh for hobbit's sake!"

You keep thinking of ways you could meet LOTR characters

You have imaginary conversations with LOTR characters/actors

You have visited Czechoslovakian LOTR websites

You've written out your favourite LOTR poems/songs in your diary, and are determined to learn them all

You have a vecro-letters t-shirt and it always says things like "I've blown the Horn of Gondor", "Obsessed, moria?" (I thought of that!), and "Shire, Baggins!", etc.

You've ever said "Where the hobbits is that?" (Whill)

You don't fancy without big hairy feet/long blond hair and great skill in archery/them being heir to some sort of throne or seat of power/a long beard, prefferably plaited

You have named items in your room after a LOTR actor (or two)

Whenever the phone rings, you pick it up and instantly yell "Is it secret?!?! Is it safe!?!!?" (Whill)

You keep saying 'Frodo' instead of 'Friday' (Whill, but I do it too...)

You consider things such as - do hobbits wear pants or boxers?

Or maybe none.


You wonder who'd be best at kissing... (I reckon Pippin)

You start saying "I reckon" accidently

You watched "The Goonies" just to see Sean Astin,
and counted the number of times he said "One-Eyed Willy".

You have considered things like:
Would hobbits go on skiing holidays?
Would Pippin watch Big Brother?
Would Frodo vote Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Green... maybe Monster Raving Loony Party?
Why would Aragorn be carrying around four knives?
Why is Pippin wearing a scarf?
Why aren't the others?
Why is he Scottish?
(My god that accent is so sexy!)
Has anyone told Elrond he'd look better in sunglasses?
Has anyone told Legolas he'd look better with nothing on? ('cept all the OBsessed fangirls...)
Would any of them play Twister?
(gets distracted by idea of Fellowship playing Twister... mmm.)
Who would win at Scrabble? (Whill)

You can't see/say fool or took without saying

When you say 'Confound it...' (Whill)

You have trouble thinking about other things

But... where's the hobbits in that?

When playing a game where you have to get another person to answer using a certain letter, people ask you LOTR questions, and you do the same, ie:
I had F, so I couldn't say that letter in my answer.
They asked "Who has Sam as a best friend?
Umm... The Ringbearer!
Oh, I could've said Bill the Pony...

You ask Whill: (he had "B") Who does Sean Bean play in The Fellowship of the Ring?"
(Note: I did not say 'play with', so he couldn't have said Pippin)
The Heir to the Regency of Gondor.


When out shopping with Whill, you saw the poster of The Scorpion King, and laughed because it said:
Legend, Warrior, King.
And that's like Mission.... quest.... thing.

You wanna go live in Sheffield/Canterbury/Glasgow/Denmark/LA/wherever Dom's from just to be even slightly near some LOTR people

You've started talking in a Glasgow accent... and you live approx 300 miles away from Scotland

You take free "Pre-order LOTR here!" leaflets just for the pictures

When you get the video/2 disc DVD, you want to go and collect it dressed as Gandalf

You want to watch films that you know will be a waste of 2 hours of you life, just because a LOTR actor is in them

When people claim you "have a new obsession" (like Colin Farrell for instance) you can instantly name 15 reasons why that isn't so, and get very indignant about it

You sing "I fell in love with a beautiful Ranger..."

You find it hard to remember that it's important not to shout out things like "GET OFF THE ROAD!!!" when you're on a public bus.

You dream about people from LOTR, or (lucky!) being in LOTR


You join in when people speak in the dark tongue of Mordor (Laurie from the Mercury theatre course!)

You have noticed that Gandalf is singing The Road goes ever on and on...

You start saying "Havo dad, (name here)" to people, instead of "sit down"

You recite LOTR songs and verses with Iggy from drama. Or, y'know, just anyone. Ahem.

When you watched it the first time on video, you cried 23 times. Yes, 23.

Who they are????

Elijah "Frodo" Wood
Sean "Samwise" Astin
Billy "Pippin" Boyd
Dominic "Merry" Monaghan
Sean "Boromir" Bean
Viggo "Aragorn" Mortensen
Sir Ian "Gandalf" McKellen
Orlando "Legolas" Bloom
Hugo "Elrond" Weaving



"One Ring to rule them all..."
Forged in the fires of Mount Doom, the One Ring was created by the Dark Lord Sauron as an instrument of control over the other Rings of Power in Middle-earth. The Ring not only transported the wearer to the Wraith-world, making him invisible to those in the real world, but also granted virtual immortality and mastery over the ninteen Great Rings - the Rings of Power - and all other magical Rings forged in Eregion in the middle of the Second Age. When Sauron placed the Ring on his finger, the Elves quickly became evident to the existance and intentions of the Dark Lord and removed their Rings.
The first major twist in the destiny of the One Ring came beginning the year of 3441. The Last Alliance of men and elves was formed 11 years prior. The war between the Last Alliance and Sauron's army culminated with the defeat of Sauron at the sword of Isildur. Elrond and Cirdan conselled him to destroy the Ring then, but Isildur refused and claimed the Ring for himself.
At the Disaster of Gladden Fields, Isildur and his company were ambushed by orcs. In a desperate attempt to escape, Isildur was killed in the River Anduin and the One Ring was lost to the riverbed where it lay for over two thousand years. The Ring, however, was found by a creature of Hobbit-kind and hid away in the Misty Mountains. The creature Gollum (Smeagol) kept the ring until the end of the Third Age for half a millennia before the ring was discovered, lost by Gollum, by a hobbit under the name Bilbo Baggins.
Baggins escaped the Mountains and kept the One Ring for 60 years until the day of his Eleventy-first birthday. Bilbo used the ring to trick the patrons at his birthday party where he would set off to Rivendell through his desire to leave Hobbiton. Bilbo left his "favorite nephew", Frodo, his inheritance, which included (after much persuasion by Gandalf the Grey) the One Ring. Gandalf left Hobbiton after this day and not much took place until the year 3018, when Gandalf returned.
Gandalf, after discovering the truth of the Ring, returned and informed Frodo of the artifact Bilbo had left him. Frodo resolved to take the Ring from the Shire. He sold Bag End and left the day after his fiftieth birthday. Frodo, accompanied by Samwise Gamgee and Peregrin Took, led the ring with some assistance to the Elven city of Rivendell. From here it is where the Fellowship of the Ring was formed, a group of nine set to lead the Ring back to Mordor, to destroy it where it was forged, within the fires of Mount Doom.
The group of nine that began was not able to reach Mount Doom. Only two of the nine, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, reached Mount Doom. Frodo, tempted by the Ring's power, was unable to cast it into the fires. The creature Gollum who had previous assisted, as well as betrayed, the company, returned and bit the Ring-finger of Frodo off. In his rejoice of re-capturing the ring, his dancing resulted in his accidental fall into the fires, resulting in the destruction of the One Ring. This not only defeated Sauron, but also extinguished all powers of the Three. The Elves, with Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf, then left Middle-earth for the Grey Havens thereafter.
- SAURON: Forger of the One Ring of power and the only master of the Ring.
- ISILDUR: Defeated Sauron at the war between the Last Alliance and Sauron's forces.
- DEAGOL: Discovered the Ring while fishing the Gladden Fields. He held it a short time before killed by his friend Gollum, who stole the Ring.
- GOLLUM: Took the ring from Deagol and hid within the roots of the Misty Mountains. He bore the ring in the dark for nearly 500 years.
- BILBO BAGGINS: Discovered the ring 'by accident' while imprisoned beneath the Misty Mountains and claimed it from Gollum in a Riddle-game. He carried it to Erebor and then back to the Shire. He bore the ring for almost 60 years.
- FRODO BAGGINS: Given the ring by Bilbo on the advice of Gandalf. The final, actual Ring-bearer who carried the One Ring from the Shire to Orodruin to the very brink of the Cracks of Doom. Once there, the Ring's power overmastered him and he named it to himself, but Gollum bit it from his finger and fell into the fire. Frodo bore the Ring for 17 years until it's destruction.
- GANDALF THE GREY: Held it for a matter of moments before casting it into Frodo's fire, revealing the inscription which confirmed it was the One Ring.
- TOM BOMBADIL: Wore it on his finger for a moment in 3018, but is famous for being completely unaffected by it. The reason for this immunity remains a mystery.
- SAMWISE GAMGEE: Bore the Ring for approximately two days in 3019 while Frodo was in the clutches of Orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol.


"Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die..."
The fate of the Nine Ring-bearers who took the Nine Rings of Power from Sauron is well known. Sauron intended, as he did with the Seven Rings he gave to the Dwarves, to corrupt the Ring-bearers to his service. The Men proved the most easy to convert, and while their identities are unknown, it is known that the Nine Ring-bearers became the Nazgul, or Ringwraiths.
The Nazgul, a word from the Black Speech which translates into "Ringwraith", are Sauron's dark and deathless servants. The identities of these Nine, however, are also not specifically stated. Only five of the Nine are actually known relatively absolute. The other four are unknown. The Lord of the Nazgul, the Witch-king, was slain at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields by Eowyn and Meriadoc Brandybuck. The remaining eight were destroyed when the One Ring was destroyed.
First and foremost, many thanks to a visitor from Sweden who provided me with the proper names for all nine of the Nazgul so I can finally provide an even more accurate resource through this page. Thanks, Jonas!
In the Third Age, Murezor, the chief of the Nine Ringwraiths came North to take advantage of the disunion of the Dunadains in Eriador. He made the realm of Angmar in and around the Mountains of Angmar and around the year 1300 he was ready to begin his evil task. He nearly succeeded, but in the end he was driven away to Mordor by a united force from Lindon, Rivendell, Gondor, the remaining Dunadains and a few Hobbitarchers in TA 1975.
During the Second Age, Khamul - also known as the Black Easterling and Shadow of the East, faught for Sauron until he was overthrown. In the Third Age, he may have ben Sauron's chief lieutenant in Mirkwood. After 2951, Khamul was the lord of Dol Goldur. During the hunt for the One Ring, he entered Hobbiton and nearly caught Frodo at Bucklebury Ferry. After Murezor's destruction at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Khamul became the new captain of the Nazgul. He led as they flew into battle at the Black Gate. All were destroyed when the One Ring, which held their forms together, fell into the Crack of Mount Doom.

The Witch King

In origin,a prince of the Royal house of Numenor in the Second-age, the Witch-kinwas seduced by the power of the nine rings and fell thrall to Sauron, as the price paid for that terrible gift. The Witch-king became the greatest of the Nazgul and second only in power to the Dark-lord himself. During Sauron's final attempt to become Lord of Middle-earth during the Third age, the Witch-king played a vital role in his master's designs. As a plan to subvert and finally destroy the Northern realm of Arnor, the Witch-king established himself in the north of Eriador in the barren land of Angmar, where he gathered his power and sent out spies. His evil machinations were largely responsible for the fragmentation of Arnor into three successor kingdoms each of which was confronted and finally destroyed by the power of Angmar. During the War of the Ring, the Witch-king led the Dark host to battle at the Pelennor fields and perished there at the hands of Eowyn Dernhelm with some help from Merry.
Chief of all the servants of Sauron, the Witch-king was, in origin, one of the black Numenoreans who the Dark-lord seduced to his own service by the gift of one of the Nine rings. The rings conferred great power upon their wearers but also subjugated them forever to the will of Sauron. As well as his great talents in sorcery the Witch-king was Sauron's ablest military commander. He founded the Northern Kingdom of Angmar and was the architect of both Arthedain's and Cardolan's destruction. He also successfully wrestled from the Southern kingdom of Gondor the great citadel of Minas Ithil.

Nazgul Lieutenant
He served the Dark-lord at the tower of Barad-dur during the Second-age and with his master, perished after the battle of Gorgoroth. At the end of the first millenium of the Third-age, Khamul re-appeared with Sauron at the tower of Dol-Guldur,and dwelt there with him while Sauron's power grew in secret. After the Dark-lord's return to Mordor, the Nazgul Lieutenant Khamul and Adunaphel returned to Dol-guldur, where they were to hold in check the power of Lorien. When the final war broke out the nazgul lieutenant Khamul was sent out to search for the Shire, and if possible to locate the One Ring. Khamul and other of the Nazgul tracked the Halflings through the Shire but lost their track as the latter departed through Buckland.
Khamul's origins are veiled in mystery save that he was of one of the races from beyond Rhun in the furthest east of Middle-earth. Like all the ring-wraiths he was bound to Sauron by one of the nine rings of power and his fate was thus tied to that of his master. So when Sauron went into the shadow at the end of the Second-age, Khamul also disappeared from Middle-earth re-appearing with his master after a millennium of the Third-age.

Dwaw of Waw
After the great plague ravaged Eriador in the mid Third-age, Gondor's watch on Mordor became less vigilant and Sauron sent Adunaphel to the black land to prepare for his eventual return. Adunaphel dwelt secretly in Nurn until the arrival of the Witch-king; whose coming heralded the Nazguls' assault on the tower of Minas Ithil. Its fall signified the end of Gondor's hold on the dark land. After Sauron's return to Barad-dur, Adunaphel was commanded to make fast the ancient stronghold of Dol guldur on the eves of Mirkwood, and later after the outbreak of the War of the Ring was involved with the other Nazgul in attempting to recapture the One Ring.

Indur Dawndeath was born in the Second-age in the far south of Middle-earth, where he ruled his tropical kingdom despite the growing threat of Numenorean power. After being ousted from his throne he fled to Mumakan and sought refuge with the agents of the Dark-lord who resided there. Here he was offered one of the nine rings of Sauron, and all its accompanying power. He accepted and although, with its power, he re-eastablished himself over both Mumakan and his previous realms Indur was now thrall the the will of the Dark-lord. He accompanied Sauron to Mordor at the end of the Second-age and fought for him at the war of the Last alliance. Here Sauron was overthrown and his nine servants vanished also from the face of the earth. When the Dark-lord began to re-emerge during the Third-age, the Nine re-appeared also, as terrible beings of shadow and invisibility, and bound even more completely to the will of their lord. Indur the wraith ruled Mumakan once more and held the land in fief to his master. During the war of the Ring, he led the Mumakil assault on the Gondorian citadel of Minas Tirith.

Originally a Variag from Khand, Uvatha was, like all his people, a great horseman. He fought in civil war in his native Khand and eventually united all the tribes under his own rule.He accepted the gift of the ring of power shortly after achieving this. The Variags were useful allies to the Dark-lord protecting his eastern and south-eastern borders and were later to prove a valuable addition to the armies of Mordor, their fearsome and bloodthirsty reputation alone striking terror into the hearts of many of their enemies. When Sauron fell at the end of the Second-age Uvatha also passed into the shadow, but re-appeared along with the Dark-lord after a thousand years or so. He re-established his rule of Khand and expanded his kingdom into northern Harad. He took part in the Nazgul attack on Minas Ithil, and re-occupied the tower of Sorcery when Sauron had moved to Mordor. He was sent by Sauron to seek the One ring and along with others of the Nine caught up with the Hobbits at the ford of the Bruinen. He perished later, after the battle of the Morannon, when the One ring slipped into the Crack of Doom on Orodruin.

After the great plague ravaged Eriador in the mid Third-age, Gondor's watch on Mordor became less vigilant and Sauron sent Adunaphel to the black land to prepare for his eventual return. Adunaphel dwelt secretly in Nurn until the arrival of the Witch-king; whose coming heralded the Nazguls' assault on the tower of Minas Ithil. Its fall signified the end of Gondor's hold on the dark land. After Sauron's return to Barad-dur, Adunaphel was commanded to make fast the ancient stronghold of Dol guldur on the eves of Mirkwood, and later after the outbreak of the War of the Ring was involved with the other Nazgul in attempting to recapture the One Ring.

rings of Sauron Like the Witch-king, Akhorahil was of old, a lord of Numenor, who was corrupted and ensnared by one of the Nine. After Sauron's fall at ther end of the Second age, Akhorahil disapeared from Middle-earth. He returned after long years and awaited his master's return in the far South of Middle-earth. When Sauron himself re-appeared he ordered Akhorahil and the other Nazgul to re-occupy Mordor and to secure it for the Dark-lord's return.He remained at Minas Morgul until the War of the Ring when, with his fell companions, he sought out for his master, the bearer of the One Ring.
The Journey of the Ring (A poem)
by Alfred Benjamin Phillips
There was a legend that has been told
Back when the Earth was not so Old.
A place of Myth, a place of Wonder -
Which by a Ring was torn asunder.
Though many were made for Man, Dwarves, and Elves,
The greatest was forged where Evil dwells.
Formed in blood within Mount Doom
Its bearer the Ring would soon consume.
Using it's power to gain his own,
The Dark Lord Sauron sat on his Throne.
Nine men, though proud, did not have faith,
And soon each one became a Wraith.
Sauron had quested for all the rings
So a tide of darkness could he bring.
The dwarven rings were taken or lost,
Their masters lives were their cost.
Had not the Elves been so bold,
The future would be grim to behold.
The Elven King Gil-Galad, took his army bearing raiment of war
And marched them south toward the land of Mordor.
With the help of men, they stormed the gate
And set off to destroy Sauron the Great.
It was Isildur, Elendil's son,
Who took Sauron's finger and the One.
Isildur was slain by an Orcish Quiver
And the Ring was lost down the Great River.
Gollum found and killed for Precious
And because of it, he was soon banished.
It wasn't until Bilbo Baggins arrived
And found the Ring right by his side.
Soon Bilbo's adventures met with Smaug - And treasures untold.
But the Real Adventure was yet to unfold.
For Bilbo's cousin, a lad named Frodo,
Would be given the Ring - but he didn't know.
When Gandalf the Gray entered the room,
"It must be for the Ring," Frodo assumed.
Frodo then learned of what Sauron hoped to find
And a deep uneasiness overtook his mind.
He said, "I must leave as soon as I can!"
And he took his friends - Merry, Pippin, and Sam.
The Ringwraiths were following, as Gandalf had sworn
But things got better when they met Aragorn.
But the Ring wraiths were quick, and cut Frodo with a sword,
And before Frodo reached Rivendell, they attacked at the Ford.
But they were defeated, and Frodo was cured.
At the Council of Elrond, they spoke of events that occurred.
Gandalf spoke of Saruman, and how he was evil,
And how Sauron was bent upon the ring's retrieval.
So a Fellowship of Nine was formed to go out and destroy the One.
It mattered not who lived or died, as long as the job was done.
As they then left Rivendell, the Elves began to sing,
And the Fellowship sets off on

History of Nazgul in Middle-Earth

their power and their lands.

It was not, however, until the year 2951 that Sauron the Dark Lord declared himself and came to Mordor. It is said that Sauron feared to declare himself openly before that time lest someone posessed the One Ring, which would destroy him. And it was not until later still that even the wisest among Men knew that he commanded the wraiths of Morgul, and that these wraiths were the Nazgûl of the Second Age. In the year 3018 of the Third Age the War of the Ring had its beginning. For in that year Sauron learned where the One Ring was hidden and such were his desire that he sent all his Nazgûl to take it. Yet they were thwarted in their errand. When they came to the borders of Rivendell the nine Black Riders were unhorsed at the Ford of Bruinen and were driven away by the Elvish powers that commanded the river.

Yet they reappered in still mightier forms, on steeds as dreadful as themselves. These steeds were the Winged Beasts for which Elves and Men had no name. They were ancient beings that had come into the World before the Count of Time began. Though they had beak and claw and wing they were not birds, nor even bats; they were serpentine beings like Dragons, yet older. They were made by Melkor, Sauron's master, in Utumno's foul pits, where serpent, Kraken and other vile creatures of hidden places had arisen. Fed on the cannibal meats of the Orcs and grown larger than all creatures of the air, the Winged Beasts carried the Nazgûl high over the lands with the speed of the winds.

Despite their might and fierceness, in the War of the Rings the Nazgûl were in deadly peril, because the One Ring was in the hands of their foes. In the battle of Pelennor Fields, the Morgul Lord, who could not be slain by the hand of Man, was brought to an end by the shield-maiden Éowyn of Rohan and the Hobbit warrior Meriadoc Brandybuck. Though eight of the Nazgûl remained they, too, were soon destroyed; as they rose to fight the enemy at the Black Gate of Morannon there was a great alarm within Mordor itself. Sauron commanded the Nazgûl to hasten to Orodruin, the Mountain of Fire, that is called Mount Doom, for there stood the Hobbit Frodo Baggins with the Ruling Ring. On their Winged Beasts the Nazgûl rushed like the north wind, yet to no purpose, because the Ring dropped into the fire of Doom and was unmade. In that moment Sauron and all his dreadful world were destroyed. As the Black Gate collapsed, the Dark Tower of Barad-dûr toppled, and in the midst of their flight the mighty Nazgûl fell shrieking in flames that ended them forever.

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The Journey of the Ring (A poem)

by Alfred Benjamin Phillips
There was a legend that has been told
Back when the Earth was not so Old.
A place of Myth, a place of Wonder -
Which by a Ring was torn asunder.
Though many were made for Man, Dwarves, and Elves,
The greatest was forged where Evil dwells.
Formed in blood within Mount Doom
Its bearer the Ring would soon consume.
Using it's power to gain his own,
The Dark Lord Sauron sat on his Throne.
Nine men, though proud, did not have faith,
And soon each one became a Wraith.
Sauron had quested for all the rings
So a tide of darkness could he bring.
The dwarven rings were taken or lost,
Their masters lives were their cost.
Had not the Elves been so bold,
The future would be grim to behold.
The Elven King Gil-Galad, took his army bearing raiment of war
And marched them south toward the land of Mordor.
With the help of men, they stormed the gate
And set off to destroy Sauron the Great.
It was Isildur, Elendil's son,
Who took Sauron's finger and the One.
Isildur was slain by an Orcish Quiver
And the Ring was lost down the Great River.
Gollum found and killed for Precious
And because of it, he was soon banished.
It wasn't until Bilbo Baggins arrivedAnd found the Ring right by his side.
Soon Bilbo's adventures met with Smaug - And treasures untold.
But the Real Adventure was yet to unfold.
For Bilbo's cousin, a lad named Frodo,
Would be given the Ring - but he didn't know.
When Gandalf the Gray entered the room,
"It must be for the Ring," Frodo assumed.
Frodo then learned of what Sauron hoped to find
And a deep uneasiness overtook his mind.
He said, "I must leave as soon as I can!"
And he took his friends - Merry, Pippin, and Sam.
The Ringwraiths were following, as Gandalf had sworn
But things got better when they met Aragorn.
But the Ring wraiths were quick, and cut Frodo with a sword,
And before Frodo reached Rivendell, they attacked at the Ford.
But they were defeated, and Frodo was cured.
At the Council of Elrond, they spoke of events that occurred.
Gandalf spoke of Saruman, and how he was evil,
And how Sauron was bent upon the ring's retrieval.
So a Fellowship of Nine was formed to go out and destroy the One.
It mattered not who lived or died, as long as the job was done.
As they then left Rivendell, the Elves began to sing,
And the Fellowship sets off on

I think that Tolkien understood that people have a difficult time giving up power. Hence, he portrayed the Ring of Power as being very addictive. He also realized the necessity for people to renounce power. For example, when Frodo offers the Ring to Galadriel, she declines. In Appendix A of _The Return of the King,_ Aragorn tells Arwen, "But let us not be overthrown at the final test, who of old renounced the Shadow and the Ring." Similarly, people living in the consumer society must agree to a collective renunciation of the power and privilege of the industrialized way of life. For example, automobile owners need to give up their freedom to come and go as they please. See: Otto Ullrich, "Technology" in _Development Dictionary_ (1992).
Thanks --Milton Takei